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the funds of the district, leaving a balance of $2300 per annum to be met by the income of the Institution.

The third term, commencing August 25, opened with a moderate increase of students, when the above arrangement went into operation. The results were quite gratifying; but, as was expected, a slight change became necessary. It was soon found that, in order to accommodate the increasing numbers, as well as to meet the increased demand for labor, more room and more help would be needed. Accordingly, another room was fitted up for the accommodation of the Secondary Department of the Model School, a subordinate teacher secured to take charge of a part of it, and the former Principal transferred, with full work, to the Normal School—retaining twenty of her pupils as a model class.

While this arrangement does not materially increase the expenses of the Institution, it secures a two-fold advantage: first, it affords more room and better accommodations to all departments; and secondly, it secures nearly one-third more assistance in the Normal School proper. The model classes are now rendered effective, whereas by the former arrangement, the great object of an experimental class was measurably defeated.

The fourth session commenced as stated above. The attendance in the N. S. has been as follows:

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In the M. S. the attendance has not been far from 100 per term. The annual income of the Institution, thus far, will not differ widely from the following:

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The annual expense of the Institution has been about as follows:

For instruction in the N. S. proper.. $2200

For contingent expenses.....

700 = $2900

Leaving an indebtedness of some $700. This has been increased chiefly from repairs. Provision is made, however, for meeting this deficit, in pledges made in accordance with the plan upon which the

Institution is established. It is to be regretted, however, that the engagement has not yet been fulfilled, nor much realized upon that which has been pledged.

A patronage of 100 students, at the present rate of tuition, would just about meet the expenses for teaching; while that of 125 or 130, would amply defray all expenses. It is confidently believed that, with increased facilities for boarding, etc., the number of students would, in a very short time, exceed any of these figures.

An arrangement has been effected with "Pumphrey Hall" and other boarding places, whereby boarding shall not exceed $2.00 or $2.25 per week.

A ball for the accommodation of those wishing to board themselves is very much needed, and will be erected, it is hoped, early in the coming spring or summer.

With these facilities, no institution in the State or country, perhaps, all things considered, offers greater inducements or better opportunities to the common school teacher than the above named. Shall it be sustained? shall not many more, eventually, be established? shall not the State of Ohio have a system of Professional Schools worthy her great name, and her great resources? The teacher must answer these questions.

The McNeely Normal School of Ohio is the property of the teachers of the State; therefore, every teacher in the State has an interest in it. Every school district has an interest in it. More, every parent and child in the State has an interest in it. Much more, then, has the profession, as a body. It has been earnest in its demand for professional schools. That demand has been heeded. This Normal School has been in operation but little over one year; and it is safe to say that, in that time, from 150 to 200 teachers have received instruction in it. Some of these will graduate the ensuing summer; while many more will go to their fields of labor, invigorated and strengthened with renewed purposes and zeal, soon to return and to complete the course. The prospects of the Institution are steadily brightening. Its objects and aims are such as to win confidence wherever it is known. The humble success thus far attending it, has demonstrated that the plan, at least, is practicable. It now remains to be seen whether this plan can be successfully carried out.

The Normal School proper is composed of two departments, viz: The Academic, and Normal or Professional. The course of study in the latter is as follows:

1. Thorough and searching reviews of the common branches, and those usually taught in our High Schools and Academies; with diagrams, illustrations and criticisms, embracing subjects rather than textbooks.

2. Reading and study of standard works on Theory and Practice of Teaching, and discussions upon their merits and demerits.

3. Daily lectures upon Theory and Practice, based upon the principles of mental science, in which the laws of intellectual and moral growth will be discussed. The best methods of teaching and school government, as founded upon these laws, will be made special topics of investigation.

4. Experiment and practice in the Model School, in which each pupil will be expected to spend a limited portion of his time, each day, for the purpose not only of witnessing the exercises, but of testing the various theories, and of acquiring that actual experince and skill which render the "teaching art" a peculiar profession.

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Such, in brief, is the teacher's course. The Academic does not differ materially from that pursued in most other institutions of similar grade, save that it is more thorough having strict reference to the profession of Teaching. Such, indeed, experience has demonstrated to be the true theory of Normal Schools. If they have failed hitherto, in some degree, to meet the wants of the profession, we must look for the cause of such failure, not in the mistaken notion that the profession needs no such schools, but in the manner in which they have been conducted.

But the time has come when this question needs no argument. The proposition is almost self-evident to any one who will reflect for a moment. The great interests of the profession in the State of Ohio, as in other States, have demanded NORMAL SCHOOLS. An enlightened public sentiment has decided this question; and the teachers, in their zeal and enterprise, have said, "We shall have Normal Schools." The next session (of 12 weeks) of the McNeely Normal School of Ohio will commence April 13th, and close June 26th, 1857.

The price of tuition, as fixed by the Board of Trustees at their annual meeting, is $26 per annum, both in the Normal and Academic Departments.

The 20th Annual Report of Board of Education, for Massachusetts has been issued. The number of children in Massachusetts between 5 and 15 years of age is 222,853; mean average attendance, 157,000; ratio of attendance to the whole number, 70 per cent.


AT a meeting of the Ohio State Teachers' Association, held at Columbus, Dec. 27th, 1856, a Committee, consisting of the Hon. Horace Mann, II. H. Barney, Esq., Prof. Marsh, Prof. Young and G. E. Howe, Esq, was appointed to recom. mend some action respecting the use of intoxicating liquors, profane swearing and tobacco, in the Schools and Colleges of the State.

The Committee afterwards submitted the following


Within the crowded hours of the Association, it is impossible for your Committee to make an extended Report. Nor is it necessary for them to do so. On the first point, particularly,-that of using intoxicating liquors,-what occasion have they to dwell? It is not any far-off calamity,-removed to the other side of the globe or hidden in the recesses of antiquity,-escaping assault and overtasking description; but it is among us and of us, a present, embodied, demoniac reality, smiting as no pestilence ever smote and torturing as fire cannot torture, destroying alike both body and soul. It invades all ranks and conditions of men, and its retinue consists of every form of human misery. In all the land, there is scarcely a family, there is not one social circle, from which it has not snatched a victim; alas, from many, how many! No other vice marshals and heralds such hosts to perdition. It besieges and makes captive the representatives of the people in legislative halls, and there gets its plans organized into law, where, first and chiefest, they should be annihilated; it usurps the bench, and there, under the guise of the sacred ermine, it suborns the judiciary to deny the eternal maxims and verities of jurisprudence and ethics, and to hold those prohibitions to be unconstitutional and invasive of natural rights, which only conflict with their own artificial constitution and acquired daily habits; and it ascends the sacred altar, and when the ambassador of God should speak like one of the prophets of old or like an inspired apostlé, against drunkenness and drunkards, it lays the finger of one hand upon his lips, with the other it points to some wealthy, somnolent inebriate below, and the ambassador forgets his embassy and is silent. No other vice known upon earth has such potency to turn heavenly blessings into hellish ruins. It is no extravagance to say that the sum-total of prudence, of wisdom, of comfort, of exemplary conduct and of virtue, would have been, to day, seven fold what they are, throughout the world, but for the existence of intoxicating beverages among men; and that the sumtotal of poverty, of wretchedness, of crime and of sorrow, would not be one tenth part, to-day, what they now are, but for the same prolific, ever flowing, overflowing fountain of evil. Youth, health, strength, beauty, talent, genius and all the susceptibilities of virtue in the human heart, alike perish before it. Its history is a vast record, which, like the roll seen in the vision of the prophet, is written within and without, full of lamentation and mourning and woe.

No one can deny that Intemperance carries ruin every where. It reduces the fertile farm to barrenness. It suspends industry in the shop of the mechanic. It banishes skill from the cunning hand of the artisan and artist. It dashes to pieces the locomotive of the engineer. It sinks the ship of the mariner. It spreads sudden night over the solar splendors of genius, at its full-orbed, meridian glory. But nowhere is it so ruinous, so direful, so eliminating and expul sive of all good, so expletive and redundant of all evil, as in the school and the college, as upon the person and character of the student himself. Creator of

Evil, Destroyer of Good! Among youth, it invests its votaries with the fulness of both prerogatives, and sends them out on the career of life, to suffer where they should have rejoiced; to curse where they should have blessed.

Nor do the Committee feel called upon to make any extended remarks upon the vice of using profane language. It is an offence emphatically without temp. tation and without reward. It helps not to feed a man, nor to clothe him, nor to shelter him. It is not wit, it is not music, it is not eloquence, it is not poetry; but of each of these, it is the opposite. Let a man swear ever so laboriously all his life; will it add a feather to the softness of his dying bed; will it give one solace to the recollections of his dying hour? No! but even the most reckless man will acknowledge, that it will add bitterness and anguish unspeakable. Were profanity as poisonous to the tongue as it is to the soul, did it blacken and deform the lips as it does the character, what a ghastly spectacle would a profane man exhibit! Yet to the eye of purity and innocence, to the moral vision of every sensible and right-minded man, lips, tongue and heart of every profane swearer do look ghastly and deformed as disease and impiety can make them. How must they look to the Infinite Purity of God!

What an ungrateful, unmanly and ignoble requital do we make to God, who gave us these marvellous powers of speech wherewith to honor and adore, when we pervert the self-same powers to dishonor and blaspheme the name of the Giver! Perhaps the most beautiful and effective compliment any where to be found in the whole circle of ancient or modern literature, is that which was paid by Cicero to the poet Archias, in the exordium of the celebrated defence which he made on the trial of that client. In brief paraphrase, as cited from recollec tion, it was something like this: If, says he, there is in me any talent; if I have any faculty or power of eloquence; if I have made aught of proficiency in those liberal and scholarly studies which at all times of my life have been so grateful to me, this Archias, my client, has a right to the command of them all; for he it was who taught them to me; he first inspired me with the ambition of being an advocate, and he imbued me with whatever gifts of oratory I may possess. It is his right, then, to command the tribute of my services.

If the great Cicero, standing in the presence of all the dignitaries of Rome, felt bound to acknowledge his obligations to the man who had instructed his youth and helped to adorn the riper periods of his life, only in a single department, how much more imperative the obligation upon every ingenuous and noble soul to praise and honor that Great Being who has endowed us with all we possess, and made possible whatever we can rightfully hope for.

There are certain situations where none but the lowest and most scandalous of men ever suffer themselves to swear. Amongst all people claiming any semblance to decent behavior, the presence of ladies or the presence of clergymen bans profanity. How distorted and abnormal is that state of mind, in which the presence of man can suppress a criminal oath, but not the omnipresence of God! A Christian should be afraid to swear; a gentleman should be ashamed to. Every pupil, as he approaches the captivating confines of manhood, should propose to himself as a distinct object to be a gentleman, as much as to be a learned man; otherwise he is unworthy the sacred prerogatives of learning.

Your Committee have but brief space and time for the consideration of the remaining topic.

Among the reasons against the use of tobacco, they submit the following: 1. Tobacco is highly injurious to health, being pronounced by all physiologists and toxicologists to be among the most active and virulent of vegetable poisons. That consumers of tobacco sometimes live many years does not disprove the

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