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Interpretation. Negative V is lucky, because his position is that of a king or a prince.

Positive IV. The king employs [Positive VI] to undertake an expedition. Good fortune follows [the expedition]; the chief is beheaded, and his followers are exempted. Free from blame.

Interpretation. "The king employs [Positive VIJ to undertake an expedition "—that is, to maintain justice in the country.



A rebel arose at Saga in the 7th. year of Meiji, and the Government was going to send an army to quell it. A Colonel and a Lieutenant-Colonel came to see me and said, "We are told that you are skilled in divination, please divine the coming subjugation." I divined and obtained the change of "Ri ()" into "Hô (W).”

"The hexagram of 'Ri' is composed of two fires.' Fire is emblems of war, of the victory of that party which precedes the other, of causing tumult by an instantaneous excitement, of the predomination of a thing through a medium, and of disappearing of a visible. thing. From these five emblems, it may be seen that the rebel has been excited by an instantaneous cause, and is beginning to extend itself gradually. The Government must send the Imperial Army, and check its predomination. If done so, the rebel will very soon come to an end. Again, the 'Lineation' says, 'The king employs positive VI to undertake an expedition. Good fortune follows; the chief is beheaded, and his

followers are exempted. Free from blame.' 'The king... follows' means that a fair success will be attained, if the Emperor goes himself to subjugate it; but as the Emperor is too sacred to do so easily, a prince royal will stand for His Majesty. The chief....blame' means that if the sacred army will destroy the leader of the rebel but no others, it will be all right.

"The homologue or 'Positive III' is the enemy opposing the Imperial army. Its Lineation' says Posiive III is a light in the decline of the day. If, you do not beat the earthen drum and sing, you will have to regret your dotage. Unlucky,' and the 'Interpretation', 'How can a light in the decline of the day continue long?' They mean that it will be quelled shortly. Moreover, in the changed hexagram the 'Hô,' the 'R' of the lower complement is fire and the 'Shin' of the upper is wood. Fire burning wood above it is the symbol of the royal army's burning away the rebel. Hence the result:-The royal army will gain a great victory and will capture the leader of the rebel, and the tumult will be quelled in thirty days."

After less than a four week's interval, the rebel was greatly defeated, and its leaders were all captured.

XXXI. KAN (To impress, or all).

Kan. Auspicious; advantageous to be constant, and lucky to take a woman in marriage.

Exposition. "Kan" means to impress. Weak elements are above and strong ones are below. The two [different kinds of] essences impress each other and are at mutual accord. They are at rest and rejoicing. A man lowers himself before a woman, and the consequence is that it is "auspicious; advantageous to be constant, and lucky to take a woman in marriage." The Heaven and the earth impress each other and all things are thereby engendered. Sages impress the minds of men, and the world will enjoy harmony and peace. By observing their modes of giving impressions, may be seen the nature of the Heaven and the earth and of all things therein contained.

Interpretation. A pond lying on the summit of a mountain is [the emblem of] Kan. Honourable men accordingly make their minds empty and receive [the words of] others.

Negative I. Receives impression in the toe.

Interpretation. "[Negative I receives impression in the toe," that is his wishes wander abroad.

Negative II. Receives impression in the calf, and will be unlucky; but will be lucky, if he remains quiet. Interpretation. Though in an unlucky situation, [Negative II] will be lucky, if he remains quiet, because there will be no harm in being obedient.

Positive III. Receives impression in the thigh. Inauspicious, if he advances relying upon [Negative VI]. Interpretation. To receive impression in the thigh,

indicates that [Positive III] is restless. His wish is to
His principle of conduct is low.
Will be lucky and free from remorse,
If you go about busily, your friends

rely upon others.
Positive IV.
if he is constant.
will obey your ideas.

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Interpretation. "[Positive IV] will be lucky and free from remorse, if he is constant," that is, he is not yet injured by any impressions. To "go about busily,' implies that the brilliancy of Positive IV is not yet great. Positive V. Receives impression in the flesh along the spine, and will be free from remorse.

Interpretation. To "receive impression in the flesh along the spine," shows that the wish of [Positive V] is shallow.

Negative VI. Receives impression in the upper jaw, cheek, and tongue.

Interpretation. To "receive impression in the upper jaw, cheek, and tongue," is to have recourse to eloquence.



Lord-came to me and said, "A friend of mine made an invention lately and obtained a patent, as a result of several years' hard working. The invention is a very profitable one to the country. I have lent him some capital. Will his invention be extensively adopted, and shall I be able to obtain the interest of my money, or not? Please divine once for me. I then calculated and obtained the "Negative II" of "Kan (nl).' "Kan' is a hexagram representing a young man and a young woman agreeing with each other, and it repre

sents two things depending on each other and being useful. You have money, but no way of utilising it; he has an inventive genius, but no means of practicing it. The two persons helping each other and fulfilling their desires, is the nature of this hexagram. Hence evidently the invention will be universally adopted.

"The 'Lineation' says, 'Negative II receives impression in the calf, and will be unlucky; but will be lucky if he remains quiet.' The calf of the leg is immovable by itself, as it is obliged to move by the movement of the leg. You have lent some money to him, and money once lent is at the will of the borrower. He may spend it in any way he likes, but you have no right to limit. the way of spending, just as the calf must follow the leg. That money will afterwards cause some auxiety, therefore it says 'unlucky.' Will be lucky if he remains quiet' means if you will not suspect him, but leave him to do as he likes, you will not happen to share a loss." Things came out as this divination.

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