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does a picture of the genius and morals of its inhabitants.— Goldsmith.

NEWSPAPER, THE.-A newspaper is the history of the world for one day. It is the history of that world in which we now live, and with which we are consequently more concerned than with those which have passed away, and exist only in remembrance: though, to check us in our too fond love of it, we may consider, that the present, likewise, will soon be past, and take its place in the repositories of the dead.Bishop Horne.

NEWSPAPERS, THEIR BENEFIT.-The follies, vices, and consequent miseries of multitudes, displayed in a newspaper, are so many admonitions and warnings, so many beacons, continually burning, to turn others from the rocks on which they have been shipwrecked. What more powerful dissuasive from suspicion, jealousy, and anger, than the story of one friend murdered by another in a duel? What caution likely to be more effectual against gambling and profligacy than the mournful relation of an execution, or the fate of a despairing suicide? What finer lecture on the necessity of economy than an auction of estates, houses, and furniture? "Talk they of morals?" There is no need of Hutcheson, Smith, or Paley. Only take a newspaper, and consider it well; read it, and it will instruct thee.-Bishop Horne.

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NEWSPAPERS, THEIR BENEFIT. -Of all the amusements that can possibly be imagined for a hard-working man, after a day's toil, or in its intervals, there is nothing like reading an entertaining newspaper. It relieves his home of its dulness or sameness, which in nine cases out of ten, is what drives him to the alehouse, to his own ruin and his family's. It transports him into a gayer and livelier, and more diversified and interesting scene; and while he enjoys himself there, he may forget the evils of the present moment fully as much as

if he was ever so drunk; with the great advantage of finding himself the next day with his money in his pocket, or, at least, laid out in real necessaries and comforts for himself and family, without a headache. Nay, it accompanies him in his next day's work, and if the paper he has been reading be anything above the very idlest and lightest, gives him something to think of besides the mechanical drudgery of his every-day occupation-something he can enjoy while absent, and look forward with pleasure to return to.-Sir J. Herschell.

NICKNAMES.-A good name will wear out; a bad one may be turned; a nickname lasts forever.-Zimmerman.


Diogenes, being asked who were the noblest men in the world, replied, those who despise riches, glory, pleasures, and lastly life; who overcome the contrary of all those things, viz., poverty, infamy, pain, and death, bearing them with an undaunted mind. And Socrates, being asked, what true nobility was, answered, temperance of mind and body. From the Italian.

NOBILITY, THE ONLY TRUE. -The original of all men is the same; and virtue is the only nobility.-Seneca.

NOBILITY, TRUE.-Talent and worth are the only eternal grounds of distinction. To these the Almighty has affixed his everlasting patent of nobility. Knowledge and goodness —these make degrees in heaven, and they must be the graduating scale of a true democracy.-Sedgwick.

NOISE.--It is with narrow-souled people as with narrownecked bottles; the less they have in them, the more noise they make in pouring it out.-Pope.

NOISE AND SENSE.- -Those orators who give us much noise and many words, but little argument, and less sense, and who

are most loud when least lucid, should take a lesson from nature. She often gives us lightning without thunder, but never thunder without lightning.

NOVELS AND ROMANCES.-Above all things, never let your son touch a novel or romance. How delusive, how destructive are those pictures of consummate bliss! They teach the youthful to sigh after beauty and happiness that never existed; to despise the little good that fortune has mixed in our cup, by expecting more than she ever gave; and in general-take the word of a man who has seen the world, and studied it more by experience than by precept—take my word for it, I say, that such books teach us very little of the world.-Goldsmith.

NOVELS AND ROMANCES.-No habitual reader of novels can love the Bible or any other book that demands thought, or inculcates the serious duties of life. He dwells in a region of imagination, where he is disgusted with the plainness and simplicity of truth, with the sober realities that demand his attention, as a rational and immortal being, and an accountable subject of God's government.

NOVELTY.-Curiosity, from its nature, is a very active principle; it quickly runs over the greatest part of its objects, and soon exhausts the variety common to be met with in nature. Some degree of novelty must be one of the materials in almost every instrument which works upon the mind; and curiosity blends itself, more or less, with all our pleasures.-Burke.


OBEDIENCE. Let thy child's first lesson be obedience, and the second may be what thou wilt.—Fuller.

OBEDIENCE, FILIAL.-Filial obedience is the first and greatest requisite of a state; by this we become good subjects to our emperors, capable of behaving with just subordination to our superiors, and grateful dependants on heaven; by this we become fonder of marriage, in order to be capable of exacting obedience from others in our turn: by this we become good magistrates; for early submission is the truest lesson to those who would learn to rule. By this the whole state may be said to resemble one family, of which the emperor is the protector, father, and friend. Goldsmith.

OBJECTS, GREAT.-Great objects form great minds.-Em


OBLIGATION.-Obligation is thraldom, and thraldom is


OBLIGATION.—It is safer to affront some people than to oblige them; for the better a man deserves, the worse they will speak of him; as if the professing of open hatred to their benefactors were an argument that they lie under no obligation.-Seneca.

OBSCURITY.-There is no defence against reproach but obscurity; it is a kind of concomitant to greatness, as satires and invectives were an essential part of a Roman triumph. --Addison.

OBSERVATION.—I pity the man who can travel from Dan to Beersheba, and cry, 'tis all barren—and so it is; and so is all the world to him who will not cultivate the fruits it offers. Sterne.

OBSTINATE, THE.-An obstinate man does not hold opinions, but they hold him; for when he is once possest with an error, it is like a devil, only cast out with great difficulty. Whatsoever he lays hold on, like a drowning man, he never loses, though it do but help to sink him the sooner. His ignorance is abrupt and inaccessible, impregnable both by art and nature, and will hold out to the last, though it has nothing but rubbish to defend. It is as dark as pitch, and sticks as fast to anything it lays hold on. His skull is so thick, that it is proof against any reason, and never cracks but on the wrong side, just opposite to that against which the impression is made, which surgeons say does happen very frequently. The slighter and more inconsistent his opinions are, the faster he holds them, otherwise they would fall asunder of themselves: for opinions that are false ought to be held with more strictness and assurance than those that are true, otherwise they will be apt to betray their owners before they are aware. He delights most of all to differ in things indifferent; no matter how frivolous they are, they are weighty enough in proportion to his weak judgment; and he will rather suffer self-martyrdom than part with the least scruple of his freehold; for it is impossible to dye his dark ignorance into a lighter color. He is resolved to understand no man's reason but his own, because he finds no man can understand his but himself. His wits are like a sack, which the French proverb says is tied faster before it is full than when it is; and his opinions are like plants that grow upon rocks, that stick fast though they have no rooting. His understanding is hardened like Pharaoh's heart, and is proof against all sorts of judgments whatsoever.— Butler.

OCCUPATION.-The great happiness of life, I find, after all to consist, in the regular discharge of some mechanical duty-Schiller.

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