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Q. Brother, are you a master elect.

A. I have been made acquainted with the cave.
Q. What have you seen in the cave.

A. A light, a poignard and a fountain, with the traitor Ehyroh.

Q. Of what use to you were these things.

A. The light to dispel the darkness of the place, the dagger to revenge the death of our respectable master Hiram Abiff, and the fountain to quench my thirst.

Q. Where were you made a master elect.

A. In the hall of audience, in Solomon's palace.

Q. How many intendants of the building were there present at that time.

A. Nine, of which I was one.

Q. From what order or number of people were those chosen. A. From upwards of ninety, mostly intendants of the building

and some masters.

Q, By what motive were you prompted to become a master élect.

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A. The desire of revenging the death of our respectable master, Hiram Abiff, by destroying his murderer Ehyroh

Q. Where did you find the assassin.

A. At the bottom of a cave, situated at the foot of a burning bush, by the sea side near to Joppa.

Q. Who shewed you the way.

A. An unknown person.

Q. What road did you pass through."

A. Through dark and almost inaccessible roads.

Q. What did you do when you came to the cave.

A. I laid hold of a dagger, there found, and, with it, struck

the villain so forcibly on the head and the heart, that he immediately expired.

Q. Did he say any thing before he expired.

A. He only uttered one word.

Q. What was it.

A. N-m, which signifies revenge.

Q, How was your election consummated.

A. By revenge, disobedience, clemency and 8 and-1.

Q. Explain this.


A. By revenge, I destroy the traitor; by disobedience, I ceeded the orders given to me by the King; by clemency, through the intercession of my brethren, I obtained the King's pardon; and, lastly, by 8 and 1, as we were only nine chosen for the business.

Q. What did you do after killing the traitor.

A. I cut off his head, quenched my thirst at the spring, and

quite fatigued, laid myself down to sleep, where I remained until my companions entered the cave crying out revenge.

Q. How did Solomon receive you on your presenting the head of the traitor to him.

A. With indignation, as he had proposed to himself much gratification in punishing the villain and even doomed my death; but on account of my zeal forgave me.

Q. What did the dark chamber represent, into which you were conducted before your reception.

A. It is the representation of the cave, where the traitor was found by me.

Q. How came you to be left there blindfolded,

A. To call to my mind the traitors sleep, and how often we may think ourselves secure, after committing a crime, when we are in the most danger.

Q. How did the elect walk.

A. Darkness obliged them to put their hands before their heads, to prevent injury, by coming against an obstruction. And as the road was bad and uneven, they were obliged to cross their legs, and, for that reason, we sit in that posture in the chapter.

Q. What does the dog represent, which you see in the draft.

A. The unknown person, or good citizen, who conducted the elected.

Q. What does the naked arm with the dagger mean.

A, That revenge ever attends guilt.

Q. What does the black ribband with the poignard signify. A. The grief still subsisting for Hiram Abiff, though his murderer was punished, as it was perpetrated by masons, and some of them yet unpunished.

Q. What emblems do you use to explain the number of nine elected.

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A. First, nine red roses, at the bottom of our black order. Second, nine lights in the chapter. And third, nine strokes to gain admittance. These are the emblems of the nine elected, and red is the emblem of the blood that was spilt in the temple and ordered to remain there, till revenge was completed.

Q. How do you wear the black order in this chapter.

A. From the left shoulder to the right hip, with a poignard hanging to the bottom of it.

Q. What colour is your apron.

A. A white skin bordered and lined with black, spotted with red, and, on the flap, is painted a bloody arm holding a bloody dagger.

Q. With what is this chapter hung.

A. White; red and white mixed with flames; white flames and red flames; and red on the white. The one indicates the blood that was spilt, and, the other, the ardour and purity of the elect.

Q. Why have you no more than one warden.

A: Because the chapter was always held in Solomon's Palace, where there was no one but his favourite privy to what passsed. Q. What is there more to be done.

A. Nothing, as every thing is achieved, and Hiram Abiff revenged.

Q. Give me the pass-word.

A. N-m.

Q. Give me the grand word.

A. Begulgal, is a word which signifies faithful guardian or chief of the tabernacle, friend or chosen favourite.

Q. Have you any other pass-words.

A. There are two.

Q. Give them to me.

A. Stolkin, Joabert.

Q. At what time did the nine elected set out on their journey to the cave.

A. Just at dark.

Q. When did they return,

A. At the break of day.

Q. How old are you.

A. 8 and 1 perfect.

Form of closing the Chapter.

Solomon makes the sign, by putting his hand to his forehead and says:-My brethren, let us renew our obligation. The brethren make the sign with their daggers, first striking the head and then the heart. Solomon strikes 8 and 1: Stolkin does the same and the chapter is closed.



Hull, 16 August, 1825.

THE account you published of the late Wm. Stephens, of this place was perfectly correct.-In his manners he was mild and inoffensive, and so far was the acquirement of knowledge from making him averse to labour, as some imagine, that, though he was a slender man, he would frequently perform as much work as two ordinary man.

My wife visited him a short time before he died,-He desired her to assure me, that he should die a true Materialist, and parodying theexpression of Addison, when on his death bed, he added "See how a Materialist can die.".

Several Christian writers have exulted at Addison's exclamation, as affording a complete proof of the truth of the Christian religion-Was you disposed to imitate their logic, you might now adduce a similar proof of the truth of Materialism--I continue so sceptical as to reject such proofs of any Creed, but remain with best for your welfare, Dear Sir, your obedient Servant,



SIR, Bristol, August 6, 1825. I HAVE with very great pleasure perused your excellent, and correct, exposure of one of the greatest humbugs that ever crept into the mind of man (Freemasonry) and I cannot refrain from embracing the earliest opportunity of expressing my thanks for the part you have acted on the occasion. Though it is sometime since I discarded and disowned the fraternity, from their animosity and hostilities toward each other in this city. I cannot but reflect and look back with shame at my former folly and ignorance. Figure to your brilliant imagination, if you possibly can, any thing a hundredth part so absurd, as a set of men, some of them really not deficient in intellect and ability, met together and dressed up as puppets, more fit for our ensuing fair, in old silk or velvet dresses, of various colours, purchased at a rag shop, or made from their wives or mistresses cast off pelisses, gowns or petticoats; a surgeon, as Commandant Knight of the Rosy Cross Knights; an Attorney, as commander of the Knight Templars and Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem; an Auctioneer, late a Methodist Preacher, &c. &c. &c., as commander of the Knights of the East; a Salt Man and Banker, as Commander of the Scotch Knights, who appeared, not long since, at a masquerade, in the same dress, a very proper place, you will admit, I am certain; a Jaw Bone Cracker or Dentist, as Commander of the Nine elect, representing the great and wise Solomon himself; with a Pork-butcher, Pigman, Sausage Maker and Roman Catholic, &c., as Generalissimo, or great and grand superintendant plagiarist of Finch, and Co., alias Charlatan Major of the higher orders of Noodles, armed in mockery to hurl a mock revenge upon a people for no other offence than because they inhabited a spot of ground on which tradition says that a god was put to death! But here we have many more orders or degrees than you communicate as forthcoming -here we have the Grand Grund Kadosh, Order of Misraim, Le Orion or Egyp tian Masonry, &c. &c. &c. As a specimen of their brotherly love, I send you some squibs, which they throw at each other.

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Yours, Sir and Brother,


Five Shillings worth of Fun, and a Crown's worth of laughter, the Free Masons are mad and Bridge Street is all in an uproar.

SAYS Squint'em the Grand to Porky his Brother,
"I'm mad with vexation of this that and to'ther
Calls for cash are so frequent, I really am dun'd
Ev'ry hour of my life; and continually stun'd,
With the thund'ring knocks, and low vulgar abuse;
Of men, who won't hear of a further excuse.
So hit upon something, Brother Porky, I pray,
To pay off our debts, without any delay.'
"I vill tell you mine Brodher," says Porky direct,
"I've hit upon something, which I do expect
Vil not only pay debts; but give money to boot,
Oh, most excellent thought! is it not very goot?
Let's hear it," cries Squint'em, and stamp't on the toe
Of Porky, who bowed, but first bellow'd out, " Oh!"
"'Tis to make puplic, and show for One Shilling,

Our Grand Rooms in Bridge Street, to each fool that's willing!
But who'll be the Show Men ?" cries Squint'em with fury,

I wont, for I've shown quite enough, I assure ye!"

Brother Blacksmith now beg'd, with a gut'ral stammer,
To propose for that office his friend Brother Hammer,

Who would knock down, so pretty, the rabble, if rude,
Or those who without paying should dare to intrude.
To assist him, Brother, Look ass declared himself ready,
And look'd quite as wise as his Friend Brother Neddy;
While Black muzzled Jack, with pate soft as wool,
Cries" Da-mmee, that's right, the roast we will rule.
Then a monkey step'd forth betwixt Gentile and Jew,
And grinning petition'd for something to do--
All places were filled except that of the Fool,
For which monkey-had not been to school
But the Bullet-brain'd Bashaw of Bengal renown

Would be quite in his element performing the clown:

So Halloo Boys, Halloo Boys, Masons for ever,

The Grand Lodge in Bridge Street, there's none half so clever.

To be seen during the Fair, at the Slave Mason's Hall, Bridge Street


THE natural curiosities consist of a Bengal Tiger, whose ferocity is only equalled by its stupidity. A Black muzzled Cur, that answers to the name of Jack, very fond of sleeping on wool; it is more of the Bully than of the Bull breed, being most noisy when it is most gently used: yet is so extremely delicate, that it is much afraid of contamination. A Monkey of the Pug sort, and Dandy Species, something in features like a Jew, and appears on inspection to have undergone circumcision. A great German Boar, soft and gentle in its manners, but partaking of the nature of the Bear-if it hugs it is sure to hurt. A large Ourang Outang, or Wild Man, so tamed as to have learned the art of a Black-smith, and will draw a piece of gold wire to the admiration of the company. A large collection of Asses from the Zebra to the stupid Jack. Among the artificial Curiosities is a view of the ruins of Solomon's Temple, with the armour of *** **Grand Master of the Knight Templars, who was burnt for Sodomy and other unnatural practices; for which crimes, and their prevalency in the order, it was condemned and the order exterminated.

Note.-I hope this Bristol Friend and Brother will furnish me with a description of the degrees he mentions. I have before heard, that Bristol is a hot bed for the more ridiculous part of Masonry and have wished for a communications with a Masonic brother in that city or neighbourhood. I shall be very glad to hear again from Hiram the second. It should have been the third, as tradition already mentions two masons of that name. R. C.


THE doctor has lately sent the following paragraphs through all the newspapers of the country, by printing it in his, headed as the reader will here find it :

NUMBER OF CHRISTIANS.-By a calculation, ingeniously made, it is found that, were the inhabitants of the known world divided into thirty parts, nineteen are still possessed by Pagans, six by Jews and Mahometans, two by Christians of the Greek and Eastern Churches, and three by those of the Church of Rome and Protestant communion. If this calculation be accurate, Christianity, taken in its largest latitude, bears no greater proportion to the other religions, than five to twentyfive, or one to five. If we regard the number of inhabitants on the face of the globe, the proportion of Christians to other religionists is not much greater; for, according to a calculation made in a pamphlet published originally in America, and republished in London, in 1812, the inhabitants of the world amount to

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