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rice, or in any other cloak, he could not very often resist the wisdom and zeal with which Mr. Cornelius spoke. His appeals were singuarly cogent and penetrating, and generally irresistible. He brought the commands of God, the love of Christ, the ruined state of the world, the bliss of heaven, the woes of hell, the obligations of christians, the Elessedness of doing good, and the encouragements to religious effort, with such power, that the conscience was convinced, and the heart was ken captive. He left no middle ground on which his hearer could stand. He brought him to be a joyful co-worker, or stripped him of

Las vain excuses.

The agents of benevolent societies sometimes err exceedingly, in Orsequence of their heedless and ungentlemanly conduct in families. There is occasionally an entire disregard of those undefined courtesies, and kind attentions, which make up a great part of the happiness of civilized society. They enter a house as if they were going to take a forcible possession of it, and sit down, or walk about, with an air of self-consequence, which is very unpleasant to a delicate mind, and extremely prejudicial to their influence. An agent, like his great Master, should enter a family, "not to be ministered unto, but to minister," and need be to "wash the disciples' feet." His course of life exposes him to become talkative and dogmatic. He should guard sedulously against such a tendency, and be ready to hear and sympathize with the interests of a particular family or town. He is entitled, indeed, in a greater degree than almost any member of the community, to commiseration and heart-felt kindness. He has a fatiguing, arduous, and in many respects, thankless office. He has griefs which the world knows not of. But the best way to secure personal attention, is to show it invariably and cheerfully. No agent was ever welcomed with more undissembled affection, than Mr. Cornelius, and no one ever took more pains to deserve it. The incidents which occurred while he resided in a family in Baltimore, and which are mentioned in the first part of this memoir, were but a specimen of the events of his whole life. If the circumstances of the family in which he was entertained were humble, the could accommodate himself with entire good nature. If the inmates were not capable of sharing in an intellectual or highly intelligent christian conversation, he showed no marks of uneasiness or displeasure, but fell in naturally with the circumstances by which he was surrounded. He was frequently treated with extraordinary kindness. He aluded to many instances of this sort with all the ardor of his generous spirit. When opportunities occurred, he was ever prompt to reciprocate the kindness. He sometimes wrote to members of families where he had lodged, thanking them in a particular manner for their hospitality, and enclosing some little gift or token of affection, for a beloved child. While communicating and sharing in the courtesies of friendship, he rarely forgot the religious interests of his guests. He secured the affectionate attachment of children and hired servants, so that he might produce on their minds a good religious impression. He was asked, on one occasion, if he did not think that the agents of benevolent institutions were often very negligent in respect to conversing faithfully with the irreligious members of families, with which they occasionally so

journed? He confessed that he had overlooked this duty, and ment one family in particular, in which he had frequently been enterta and to the eldest children of which he had neglected to speak with cient faithfulness. He said he would no longer omit such a His efforts of this kind were, in a considerable number of instance tended with the sanctifying influence of the Holy Spirit.' pp. 321

A part of the above accords with what we understood, on occasion, a person from whom he hoped to secure a scholar said of him, viz., that he was the most gentleman-like beggar ever met with. This, we believe, was the universal impression Mr. Edwards sums up his public character as follows:

'In conclusion, it can be said, with entire freedom from exagg tion, that Mr. Cornelius had all the qualities of an accomplished ag and secretary. The most impartial observer of his appearance and actions will cordially subscribe to this declaration, high as the comm dation is which it implies. He possessed uncommon muscular energ a form of body at once commanding and attractive; a voice of gr compass and power; courteousness of address and manners; the i experience of a christian pastor, and great ability as a preacher; co prehensiveness of mind and liberality of feeling; the union of ard emotion and solid judgment; admirable pecuniary and business habit extensive knowledge of the condition of the whole country; and a de sense of dependence on Christ for success. His name will be cheris ed with respect and gratitude by future generations; and the church Christ, while she adores the profound mystery of God's providence removing him in the meridian of his days, will, at the same time, ble the great Head of the church for giving her such a leader.' pp. 32


The intellectual character of Mr. C., so far as we have bee able to form an opinion of it from his writings, appears to us to in clude the essential elements of greatness,-consisting less, how ever, of the actual attainments of a correct and indefatigable scholar, than a capacity for such attainments. The sphere which duty, for the most part, called him to move, precluded the possibility of a minute and thorough investigation of all those branches of knowledge, with which it is important that even clergy men should be conversant. Still his acquisitions were highly respectable, and he manifested, as his biographer remarks, “8 crowning mental excellence, in itself of more value than any spe cific acquisition,—an ardent desire for improvement. He had a truly liberal and scholar-like perception of the importance of every kind of knowledge." His native powers of mind, we cannot doubt, were of a high order,-less brilliant than comprehensive,→ less exact than ready in their evolution. He had probably more of practical good sense, and knowledge of human nature, than of theoretic ingenuity. In short, "the shining qualities of his un

derstanding," like those which Gibbon ascribes to himself, if we may connect such a name with his, "were extensiveness and penetration." Of this character of his intellect we might cite as proofs, not only the comprehensive nature of the topics which he was fond of discussing in his sermons, such as "the glory of God," "the reasonableness of the divine law," "the object of God in creation," "the evil of sin ;" but likewise, the vastness of the objects at which he aimed, viz., the filling of the world with an enlightened ministry, and its conversion unto Christ; as also the well-adapted means which he employed, towards the accomplishment of those objects.

The piety of Mr. C. was of a pure and elevated description. He had sound views of the doctrines of the bible; an experimental acquaintance with them; lively religious affections; firmness of christian principle; and was borne along in his labors and privations, by an all-pervading sense of the authority of Christ, by ardent love to his person, and by an irrepressible desire for the salvation of men. Benevolent, holy action, was "the image and superscription" of his piety;-a very different thing from that weeping, sickly, sentimental, smooth-tongued charity, which was once so greatly in vogue, if it be not at present; which boasted much, but accomplished little; which perhaps wished well, but had only wishes to impart; which said, "Be ye warmed and filled, notwithstanding it gave not those things which are needful to the body," or the soul; which embraced all in its regards, except those who were really attempting somewhat for human happiness and the salvation of men; and which, whatever it sought to do, did not seek the subjection of the world unto Christ. Mr. C., like Howard, though in a different department of exertion, was eminently a practical philanthropist. He could not

' rest

A silent witness of the headlong rage
Or heedless folly, by which thousands die,
Bone of his bone, and kindred souls to his.'

In his conduct as a settled minister of the gospel, while he sustained that relation, we have a fine exhibition of what such a character ought to be. He was a studious, praying, devoted, faithful, kind-hearted pastor,-systematic in all his labors, and admirably calculated, both for the common and extraordinary calls of the clerical profession. He is described to have been peculiarly happy and acceptable in "the church-meeting, and in the chamber of the sick;" dignified in the one, and surpassingly gentle and sympathetic in the other. One instance of his kindness as a minister in Salem, will be sufficient to exemplify all that we intend to communicate, in respect to this trait of his character. We present it in the words of his biographer :

In his intercourse with the sick, he was remarkable for the ge ness of his manner; a trait which those know how to estimate, who felt the influence of disease on the nervous system. Often would invalids in his parish, when speaking of the pleasure and benefit w they derived from his visits, add, "and he was so gentle." He n the sorrows of his people his own, and not only sympathized in affliction while with them, but carried home a tender remembranc their griefs, often speaking of them and praying for them in his fan

He performed his pastoral as he did most of his labors systematice He wrote the names of all the families in his congregation in a si book, and by means of some peculiar characters, he could tell with glance of his eye, when, and how often, he had visited them. have very brief memoranda of his pastoral visits, for a short period, in own hand-writing. We find in the list, families and individuals v were in almost all the circumstances and relations of life ;-a priso condemned to death, the families of seamen, the wretched inmate the poor-house, religious inquirers, despairing sinners, the broken-hea ed widow and orphan, or the believer dying in the Lord. In his int course with his people, there was so much kindness of heart, and ki ness of manner, so much sympathy in the earthly as well as spirit troubles of his parishioners, that they were in the habit of consulti him in the most familiar manner. On one occasion, he was requeste in the midst of a cold and rainy night, to visit a poor and sick woma who resided at a distant part of the town. He found that she had fire, and inquired if she had any fire-wood; she replied that there w some in the cellar, but that her sons would not split it. She urged hi not to trouble himself in regard to it, as the cellar was wet and th stairs were broken. But he immediately went into the cellar, prepare the wood, and made a comfortable fire. He then conversed with the afflicted woman, offered a prayer, and returned home.' pp. 149, 150.

It is apparent from the present biographical sketch, that some men are fitted for stations and employments, to which no others, with a just appreciation of the objects in view, and a prospect of effecting them, can ever be appointed, or after which they can aspire. Certain gifts of nature or of grace are required for particu lar places, or spheres of action. Certain peculiarities as to personal appearance, health, voice, social, intellectual or spiritual attributes, may determine a man, through his own opinion, or the influence of others, to a certain mode of life; and he is guilty of a dereliction of duty, if he refuse to embrace it. So the wisdom of God has ordained; and it is the part of men to ascertain, each in his own case, for what particular fields of labor they are fitted. If a person mistakes his calling, he will seldom effect much in the world; but if he diligently exercises his faculties in pursuits which are congenial to them, he will commonly secure the objects at which he aims. With upright intentions, he will scarcely fail to do good. Aptitude for particular employments, is a direction of nature or of instinct; and though sometimes, through inattention, it may be mis

taken, it will generally, where a person has the choice of his profession, govern his choice. In this sense, under the providence of God, each one will,—


Just in the niche he was ordained to fill.'

The intimations of the Divine will, expressed also more indirectly in the opinions and wishes of others, will not be wanting; and piety, at least, will be solicitous to obey those intimations. Some stations, especially, to which the church invites her sons, are so high and arduous, so self-denying, and requiring such a degree of faithfulness, that rarely can the men be found, who may properly occupy them; and when they are found, they should be proportionally prized. Such being the fact, it becomes the church wisely to make the selection of her agents to do her work, whether in the ordinary ministrations of the gospel, in the missionary errand, in the marshaling of benevolent associations, or in the direction of the general enterprises of the age. When she finds one formed, like Cornelius, for the latter departments, she may well congratulate herself, or rather, should feel the occasion of rendering due praise to the Giver of all blessings.


Hence we are led further to remark, that the management of benevolent agencies will require in time to come, some of the ablest men in the church. Ordinary christians or ministers,-ordinary as to talents and piety, cannot do the work. All will be jeoparded in the end, if these interests are committed to other than strong minds, and hearts richly imbued with grace. Mistakes, it is said, were occasionally made at first in the selection of agents; but the church has learned wisdom by experience, in this matter. peculiar qualities requisite for the incumbents of charitable agencies, need not be enumerated here. Indeed, they have been incidentally mentioned already. But any one, by the most superficial observation of the work to be done, may know, that the first order of talents and piety is demanded in him who would execute it successfully. So various are the dispositions of those who are to be wrought upon; their prejudices often are so inveterate; with such subtlety does the adversary plot against the holy cause; so strong is the hold which avarice has on mankind at large; and the relations of the benevolent measures now in hand are so vast; that only the most gifted men, and devoted as gifted, are adequate to the performance of duties of this description. Indeed, the exigencies of the church generally, and the character of the age, make a more than ordinary demand for able men, both in the ministry of reconciliation, and "on the outposts of christianity."

A great object then to be secured, in this country at least, VOL. VI.


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