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The world will not soon forget the names of Latimer, and Ridley, and Rodgers, and Bradford; names associated in the feelings of christians, with the long list of ancient confessors "of whom the world was not worthy," and who did honor to entire ages of mankind, by sealing their attachment to the Son of God, on the rack, or amid the flames. Nor can we forget, that we owe to Episcopacy that which fills our minds with gratitude and praise, when we look for examples of consecrated talent, and elegant literature, and humble devoted piety. While men honor elevated christian feeling; while they revere sound learning; while they render tribute to clear and profound reasoning, they will not forget the names of Barrow, and Taylor, of Tillotson, and Hooker, and Butler;—and when they think of humble, pure, sweet, heavenly piety, their minds will recur instinctively to the name of Leighton. Such names, with a host of others, do honor to the world. When we think of them, we have it not in our hearts to utter one word against a church which has thus done honor to our race, and to our common christianity.

Such we wish Episcopacy still to be. We have always thought that there are christian minds and hearts that would find more edification in the forms of worship in that church, than in any other. We regard it as adapted to call forth christian energy, that might otherwise be dormant. We do not grieve that the church is divided into different denominations. To all who hold essential truth, we bid God speed; and for all such we lift our humble supplications to the God of all mercy, that he will make them the means of spreading the gospel around the globe. We ourselves could live and labor in friendliness and love, in the bosom of the Episcopal church. While we have an honest preference for another department of the great field of christian action; while providential circumstances, and the suggestions of our own hearts and minds, have conducted us to a different field of labor; we have never doubted that many of the purest flames of devotion that rise from the earth, ascend from the altars of the Episcopal church, and that many of the purest spirits that the earth contains, minister at those altars, or breathe forth their prayers and praises in language consecrated by the use of piety for centuries.

We have but one wish in regard to Episcopacy. We wish her not to assume arrogant claims. We wish her not to utter the language of denunciation. We wish her to follow the guidance of the distinguished minister of her church, whose book we are reviewing, in not attempting to "unchurch" other denominations.

contended that nothing more than mere election, or appointment, is essential to the sacerdotal office, without consecration, or any other solemnity." Le Bas' Life of Cranmer, vol. i. p. 197.

We wish her to fall in with, or to go in advance of others, in th spirit of the age. Our desire is that she may become throughou as we rejoice she is increasingly becoming,-the warm, devote friend of revivals, and missionary operations. She is consolidated well marshaled; under an efficient system of laws; and pre eminently fitted for powerful action in the field of christian warfare We desire to see her what the Macedonian phalanx was in th ancient army; with her dense, solid organization, with her unity d movement, with her power of maintaining the position which sh takes; and with her eminent ability to advance the cause of sacred learning, and the love of order and of law, attending or leading al other churches in the conquests of redemption in an alienated world. We would even rejoice to see her who was first in the field at the Reformation in England, first, also, in the field when the Son of God shall come to take to himself his great power; and whatever positions may be assigned to other denominations, we have no doubt that the Episcopal church is destined yet to be, throughout, the warm friend of revivals, and to consecrate her wealth and power to the work of making a perpetual aggression on on the territories of sin and of death.


OUR pilgrim fathers, in laying the foundations of this republic, took a just and wide view of the relations which they sustained to one another, and to their posterity. It would seem that they felt as if the providence of God had called them, in such a capacity, to fulfill destinies of no ordinary kind. And as a matter of fact, in the kind of prophetic glance with which they penetrated the future, (it is devoutly wished, amid some fears to the contrary, that the reality may correspond with the vision,) they designedly acted for a great nation, to be perpetuated through a long,—an indefinite period. That we, their descendants, should be sensible of our obligations to that foresight which sketched the outline, to that virtue which planted the germ of such a community, is an obvious dictate of nature; and especially is it an obvious dictate both of nature and of piety, that we should answer their reasonable expectations, so far as lies in our power; and perform our part in bringing to pass these important moral purposes, which, it must be believed, God had in view, in giving an existence to this


That our readers may realize the duties, which as American citizens they are called upon to perform, we shall endeavor, in the following remarks, to point out some of the means which Divine

Providence has bestowed on this nation, for promoting the highest interests of mankind.


Nothing can be more desirable than to raise the minds of the American people to a "level with their station," and to call off their thoughts from the narrow pursuits of personal or national aggrandizement. A nobler object is set before them in the great moral enterprise to which this nation is called. Our field is the world. It is our influence on the whole human race, that principally constitutes, it may be hoped, the peculiarity of American destiny. Still, as we constitute no small part of a world within ourselves, and from the vast influx of foreigners, and an unexampled natural increase, are, according to the suggestion of a pious writer abroad, essentially missionary ground, in regard to the adequate establishment and maintenance of religious institutions so our action for good upon ourselves is deeply important, and by a sort of solecism in language, may be called benevolent action. Certain it is, that if we do good to ourselves, we shall do good to an immense number. While, therefore, in the employment of the means of usefulness, their action on other countries is ultimately to be regarded,-while in the duty of aiming at high moral achievements, that which is done for the promotion of general happiness, must, for the most part, be embraced; yet our own country must necessarily demand a large share. We ought not, and cannot neglect ourselves. Indeed, in seeking to influence the condition of other nations for their benefit, we most effectually consult for our own. The spirit of moral improvement at home, acts with increased energy, in the attempts made to promote the happiness and salvation of other portions of the human race.

1. The general reputation which the American people enjoy abroad, is highly favorable to extended benevolent efforts. Their power of doing good, as must be the case with that of every other people, very much consists in the name they have acquired, and now sustain, among the nations of the earth. It is greatly enhanced by a public recognition in their favor, from whatever cause such a recognition may arise. Considered simply as an element of influence on the minds of others, it is invaluable.

But what, in general, is the state of feeling among mankind, in respect to this country? Our revolutionary story has at least been widely disseminated. It is known almost as well to the savage as to the civilized man. It was long ago said, respecting the leader of our revolution, the great and good Washington, that he had filled the world with his own, and his country's glory,—that the Arab and the Tartar conversed about him in their tents. This was rhetorically uttered, but with sufficiently near approach to the truth, to redeem the remark from mere declamation. Certainly, the impression made by our attitude and our energy at that period,

was that of a sincere respect for the American character. OL principles of independence, and our decided course since, are ca culated, as a natural effect, to perpetuate the favorable opinio of mankind at first conceived. This is so much the case, that ou citizens in foreign countries are proud to acknowledge their birth place; and those of them who are personally worthy of the dis tinction, are every where treated with the regard due to the citizen of a great and energetic nation. Our opinions have been em braced, and our example has been followed, in too many in stances, not to indicate the general estimation in which the country is held abroad. Wherever revolutions in government have been attempted, or realized, in modern times, the model has evidently been America, the encouragement America's success. Greece, Belgium, Mexico, and the republics of South America each strove to change their condition, in the expectation of secu ring somewhat of the freedom and happiness of these United States. Even the recent changes in Great Britain, in respect to reform, have not been made without an implied deference to our principles and example.


It is not to be doubted, moreover, that there is something in the countenance, the approbation, the charities of the American people, which is peculiarly gratifying as coming from them; and which has conciliated towards them, the good-will of every people sufficiently enlightened to attempt their release from the thraldom of ancient abuses, whether in government or religion. The countenance which the nation gave to Greece, in her desperate struggle, in the expression of sympathy for her sufferings, and of desires for her success, was of signal importance to her cause. And the charities which individuals bestowed, when they sent food and clothing to her starving and naked population, answered still more directly the object in view. Besides the supply of immediate wants which was effected, and the unbounded gratitude which was called forth towards their benefactors, "the news of the distribution," says Dr. Howe, " extending all over the country, produced a still greater effect, by the encouragement it gave to the people, who saw that they were considered worthy of having a helping hand stretched out to them from across the globe." He adds, "Never were charities raised from motives more honorable to the human heart; their application was never more faithful or effectual." Our approbation of the republics in the south, in their attempts to throw off a foreign yoke, though more cautious in its character than it was as to Greece, increased the ardor and the spirit of perseverance, which brought the contest to a successful issue; and the timely acknowledgment of their independence, on the part of our government, was, perhaps, still more important, as contributing to establish them on a firmer basis, and securing a deeper interest in their

behalf among the European powers. The sympathy which our religious public have lately bestowed on the evangelical christians. a Switzerland, suffering under contempt and persecution at home, particularly the interest which has been expressed in respect to beir theological school at Geneva, has been singularly gratifying to them, and of great service in sustaining them in their trials. They observe, in a report on that school, "The United States of America have well answered all which we could expect from their active zeal. We regard the remarkable interest which so many chrisans in the United States have taken in our institution, as one of the greatest blessings from the Lord, and as one of the surest signs and pledges of protection from on high." The supply, so prompt and liberal, which, a year or two since, was sent from this country to the Cape de Verd Islands, caused that people to feel and speak respecting this nation, as if Divine Providence had raised it up to become a distinguished benefactor of suffering cominunities. We tave scarcely ever seen a more beautiful and affecting acknowledgLent, than one which was received from the public authorities of those islands. A character for such sympathy of feeling and liberality of contribution, in a nation favored with all the blessings of Providence, is itself a letter of credit in every country; as it also creates an expectation that aid will be bestowed, whenever occasions arise, amidst the exigencies to which the various communiles of men are exposed. Much is naturally looked for, in the way of cheering and encouragement, from a people whose condition hitherto, has borne the strong impression of a divine hand guiding them to prosperity; while the actual exhibition of such a spirit, is an excellent precursor to those more extended and spiritual benefits which they should confer on mankind. Our country, moreover, on account of its youth and happy separation from the theater of European influence, is no doubt considered as less enfeebled by vice, and more safe from moral contamination, than most other communities. Certainly our government, in its intercourse with others, as a member of the great family of nations, has been distinguished by a strict adherence to the principles of justice and right; a fact which seems to have been generally felt and acknowledged. These particulars are mentioned, and others might be, showing the favor, which, from our character, connected with peculiarities in our condition, has commonly been accorded people. They have not been brought forward for the purpose of self-commendation, but solely with a view to show the influence on which the country may calculate from its good name. asserted, nor is it believed, that this good name is free from suspicion, in every instance. Some abroad, who do not fully understand the delicate relation which the States bear to one another, under the general government, have, perhaps, misjudged

to us as a

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