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which was decorated with great readers to learn that the German taste. To afford increased accommo- | Baptist mission has twelve stations dation, a tent was erected opposite the in Poland, and others on the frontiers door. After a preliminary devo- of Russia. One sanitary regulation tional service, distinguished by adopted at this Conference is well much earnestness, humility, and worth imitating by us at our annual loving confidence in God,' the gatherings. After the brethren had pastors, missionaries, and delegates, been sitting for some time in the in all about ninety, presented their chapel, adjournments for free concredentials, consisting of letters versation out of doors for short infrom the churches they represented, tervals were allowed. Meanwhile with the church seal affixed. From the chapel got ventilated and sweetthe report of the Union it appears ened. Gavazzi, the celebrated that during the past three years Barnabite friar, has been preaching 4,658 persons have been baptized, in one of the Baptist chapels at that there is a clear increase of Ramsgate. The jubilee of the 3,367, and that the present number Baptist Mission in Jamaica is to be of members is 11,275. During the held early next year. There are same period nine new churches have now 74 regularly organized churches been formed, and 327 stations for in the island, all of which are enpreaching the gospel established. tirely self-supporting, nineteen of Various visitors from this country them having native pastors. There were then introduced. The Con- is a college and training school for ference discussed, among other the education of ministers and questions, matters relating to con- teachers, a Missionary Society which versions and revivals, Sunday- raises nearly £1,300 a year, 90 dayschools, (which are a novel institu- schools, 70 Sunday-schools, 13,000 tion in Germany) church finance, scholars, and 11,100 teachers. These church discipline, &c. Mr. Oncken are encouraging facts.-Rumour says was re-elected president, and Messrs. that Revs. J. Aldis, of Reading, and Köbner and Lehmann, 'substitutes.' C. H. Roe, formerly of Birmingham, For two days, however, Mr. Oncken have received from the University was laid aside through ill-health. of Chicago, the honorary degree of On the Sunday (12th), Mr. Köbner D.D., and that the University of preached in the morning, and Mr. Rochester has conferred the degree Lehmann in the evening, after which of LL.D. on E. B. Underhill, Esq.Mr. Oncken, now recovered from Another of the eminent preachers his indisposition, baptized two can- among the Independents has been didates. Immediately after, the called to his reward-Dr. Raffles, of Lord's Supper was celebrated, the Liverpool. He succeeded Rev. newly-baptized receiving the right Thomas Spencer, as pastor of Great hand of fellowship, and prayer being George-street chapel, more than offered, with the laying on of hands. fifty years ago. He has left behind The Liebes-mahl, or love-feast, was him various works, theological, held on the last day but one of the poetical, and scientific. He died Conference. It may interest our August 18th, aged seventy-four.

Notes of the Month-General.


to bury his mother in what way may seem to him best.-The Turkish Exhibition is closed, and is minus some £14,000, which the Sultan has generously offered to pay out of his own purse.-The Polish question, up to the time of our writing, remains unchanged. It is said that the three powers have again urged their

The bishop of Columbia has recently | Highness the Maharajah out of his given his old parishioners at Yar- unquestionable authority as a son mouth a lengthy address on the position and prospects of the New Colony, in which he spoke hopefully of its future prospects. His own labours among the miners were also adverted to. The reckless and defiant character of these men, even the better disposed of them cursing others when they invite them to a religious service-are only part of the difficulties of his special work. GENERAL.

NENA SAHIB is caught at last. He was betrayed by one of his followers, and was taken in the temple of Ajmeer, dressed like a Hindoo devotee. Papers were found in his possession, revealing a deep-laid plan for another outbreak. He had also large sums of money. This time there appears no doubt of his identity. Several rajahs are implicated in the disclosed rebellion, now happily nipped in the bud. Another of the former notables of India has lately been the occasion of some little stir. The mother of Maharajah Dhuleep Singh, the deposed heir to tho old throne of Panjaub, has died in this country. Her son has embraced Christianity, but his mother still retained her faith. She is described as the Maria Theresa of the East'cruel as a Locusta, lustful as a Messalina, proud and pitiless as Catherine.' Two discharged servants have been protesting in the newspapers against the mode of her interment and demand that she be burnt, and her ashes scattered in the sacred river. 'Able editors' have been seeking to bully His

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six points,' no doubt again to be refused. Meanwhile Mouravieff is increasing his severities, and yet sits, guarded in his own chamber, as if himself afraid of his despotic and cruel edicts. The French have been duly 'enlightened' on the position of France as to this grave Polish question by a pamphlet— which will either be repudiated or endorsed, as events turn up. From the assurances of our own prime minister we are, however, inclined to hope that England will steer clear of European complications.' Paris has had its annual fete Napoleon. The government provided abundance of fireworks for the sight-loving Parisians, and threw open all the theatres. In truth the French are a singular people: the 15th of August is devoted to the chiefest of saints,' 'the blessed among women,' (whom the French hold to be only next to the Divine Being,)—and also to the founder of her present dynasty-Napoleon Bonaparte.-The crown of Mexico has been offered to Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian-and has been accepted. The news from Japan is more pacific. The telegrams from America report that General Lee is preparing for another battle, and that General Meade has received reinforce

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ments. Later accounts say that Prince of Wales has visited Halifax Meade wishes to resign. The and has been guest of a man that 6th of August was appointed is -a dissenter ! Some church by President Lincoln as a thanks- organs affect to be greviously giving day. Dr. Tyng, so say shocked with such an acknowledgthe newspapers, eulogized Lincoln ment of those vulgar dissenters.' as 'one of the most shining lights The harvest is everywhere abundant, of America,' and declared that the and more than an average. The hot war was foremancipation; and rather dry weather during the last month, than it should stop short of that while it has hastened the harvest, object, he desired that it might be has seriously affected the grass prolonged to eternity.' The Con- lands. Keep' is scarce. There federates are setting fire to every will be scarcely any aftermath' bale of cotton, and the whole of except the next few weeks should the country south of the Tallahatchie prove showery. Ireland reports river is one vast cotton conflagration. that her crop of potatoes is good -We turn now to our own land. The and abundant. It is very gratifying Queen's letter on the Aston Park to learn that the harvest both on tragedy has met with general ap- the Continent and in America is as proval from the press. We hope remarkable for its good yield as our it will check the taste for sensa- own. O that men would praise the tional performances generally. The Lord for His goodness.

Marriages and Deaths.


July 22, at Woodville, Nova Scotia, by the father of the bride, Rev. T. A. Higgins, M.A., Principal of Horton Academy, to Eliza, daughter of Rev. Dr. Cramp, President of Acadia College.

July 25, at the Baptist chapel, Whitchurch, by Rev. T. Morris, Mr. H. Kerchen, to Miss E. Bevis, both of Bourne.

July 28, at Westbourne-grove chapel, Bayswater, by Rev. G. W. Lewis, Mr. John Lamb, of Derby, to Helen Sarah, only daughter of Mr. J. Rackham, of Kensington.


May 15, suddenly, at the Legation, Pekin, Rev. W. C. Milne, M.A., eldest son of the late Dr. Milne.

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July 8, at Hastings-upon-Hudson, America, William, youngest son of the late Mr. William Gadsby, of Manchester.

July 28, at South Kensington, the Marquis of Normandy, aged 67.

July 29, at London, Sir Creswell Creswell, Judge of the Court of Probate and Divorce.

August 5, at Camberwell, Rev. James Cubitt, one of the tutors of the Metropolitan Tabernacle College, in his 56th year.

August 6, Harriet, the beloved wife of Rev. G. Cheatle, of Birmingham, in the 76th year of her age.

August 8, at Nottingham, Mr. William Stevenson, aged 61.

August 15, after a short illness, Lord Clyde, better known as Sir Colin Campbell.

Missionary Observer.




MR. STUBBINS writing from Cuttack, June 6th, says Several liberal responses have been made to our appeal for help towards the Khond Mission. Already 400 rupees (£40) have been received, and I have mises of 200 rupees more, and indirect promises have been made of other sums. This, it is hoped, will be as it deserves, a source of encouragement to friends at home, especially in the present depressed state of the funds. Major General Browne, one of our fellow passengers in the Clarence, is one who has promised 100 rupees. Mr. Cockburn, who you remember was Chairman at our Annual Meeting, at Leicester, has sent 150 rupees, and Sir Arthur Cotton has sent us 100 rupees. I would say to dear friends at home, only go on doing the Lord's work and He will help you."

Five days later, our esteemed brother writes,-"I have just received a note from Mr. Lewis, of Calcutta, mentioning a donation of 1,000 rupees (£100) from Alexander Christian, Esq., of Monghyr, for our Khond Mission." This is good news. These donations will materially aid the ordinary income of the Society for the present year. Only let the ladies of the Connexion by a prompt and vigorous effort accomplish the task they have so kindly undertaken in paying off the debt of the Mission, and there is reason to hope that, with the blessing of God, the work will still go on and prosper.



ON Tuesday, August 11th, our estimable sister with her infant son sailed from Gravesend in the ship Shannon.

| She was accompanied to the ship by the Rev. H. Wilkinson, her brother also, with Mr. Greenwood, from the College, arrived in time to take leave before the anchor was weighed.

There are many circumstances which give promise of an agreeable voyage. The ship is one of the

finest and best in the Messrs. Green's splendid service. The captain has the reputation of being both a good sailor ladies connected with the Zenana and a good man. Several young

aries of other societies are her fellow passengers.

Mission as well as several mission

Though our dear sister took leave of her friends with a brave heart, she found it no easy matter to part with her two little boys, who remain with her parents in England. Our friends will not, we trust, forget to pray for her and the loved ones she has left behind.



(Extracted from the Seventy-first Annual Report.)


India has continued to have a large The mission of the Society in share in the deliberations of the Committee, and to this most important field by far the larger_part has thus naturally attracted the of the funds are devoted. India chief of those additions made of late years to our missionary staff, and it is in this field that we must look for the most important triumphs of the Church of Christ. These But numerous indications evidence have indeed been long delayed. the working of that divine leaven, whose early movements are shrouded in obscurity, and is apparent only by a general heaving of the mass in which it operates. So in India no

one can mistake the signs of a deep impression having been made on the long inert mass. From manifold causes, an impetus has been given to native thought, and on the whole an evident tendency created through the blessing of God, to regard the gospel of Christ as the religion of truth and salvation. Recent investigations by the Rev. Dr. Mullens show, that the advance in open adhesion to Christ during the last ten years has been very considerable, while a very great increase has taken place in the agencies in operation. These have specially been directed to new provinces, brought within these few years under British dominion. The Punjaub, Oude, Rohilcund, Rajpootana, and the Central States, have attracted labourers from old or new societies, while a few have been added to the districts formerly occupied. Still the land is wide, the people are multitudinous, and myriads yet wait for the law of Christ. Embracing all India in our view, nearly 900 churches have been established within the last ten years, and there have been gathered into the fold of Christ as hopeful converts to God thirteen thousand persons, making the entire membership of the christian church in India and Ceylon somewhat more than thirty-one thousand persons. The nominal christian community has increased from one hundred and twelve thousand to one hundred and fifty-three thousand individuals, an aggregate increase which should raise the hopes of the most despondent of India's regeneration.

If we now confine our attention to Northern India, the more immediate field of the Society's labours, the progress has not been less gratifying. During the ten years there has been an increase of sixty-three European and of one hundred and fifty-six native missionaries, of which increase our Society has furnished eleven European and thirty-eight native brethren. Of the one hundred and four new churches established, nineteen have been founded

through the exertions of our own missionaries. The Society has now under its care in Northern India no fewer than sixty churches of Christ, gathered from among the heathen through the power of divine grace. The entire body of communicants in Northern India, of all denominations, consists of six thousand two hundred converts, one-fourth of whom are found in the communion of the churches connected with the Society. It thus appears that although each year may not present any large additions to the Church of Christ, yet that in the course of years the progress is steady and large. The wave has never receded, but with gentle yet irresistible power it disintegrates the rocks it assails, and crumbles down almost imperceptibly, but with certain success, the land whose shores it laves.


Of this onward, scarcely noticeable transitionary state, the labours of the missionaries during the past year afford sufficient illustration. There has been no intermission in their assaults on the strongholds of idolatry. With their usual diligence they have visited old scenes, or journeyed to new places, to deliver their message of love. Their preaching tours have covered a large surface, and they have spoken the word of life to many thousands of men. The general impression produced on the minds of the Committee, by the perusal of their diaries, is, that while the mohammedan part of the population still haughtily holds itself aloof from the gospel, the hindoo listens with more respect and hopefulness; everywhere there is found an increasing acquaintance with the gospel, such as these itineracies may well be supposed to produce, and a deepening conviction that the days of hindooism are numbered. The journals of the missionaries abound with examples, a few may be here quoted.

In a tour to the north of Dacca, Mr. Bion and his native helper spent

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