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When I was a small boy, there was a black boy in the neighborhood, by the name of 'Jim Dick.'-Myself and a number of my play fellows, were one evening collected together at our usual sports, and began tormenting the poor colored boy, by calling him blackamoor,' nigger,' and other degrading epithets; the poor fellow appeared to be exceedingly grieved at our conduct, and soon left us. We soon after made an appointment to go a skating in the neighborhood, and on the day of the appointment, I had the misfortune to break my skates, and I could not go without borrowing a pair of Jim Dick. I went to him and asked him for them. "O yes, John, you may have them and welcome," was the answer. When I went to return them, I found Jim sitting by the fire in the kitchen, reading the Bible. I told him I had returned his skates, and was under great obligation to him for his kindness. He looked at me as he took the skates, and with tears in his eyes, said to me," John, don't never call me blackamoor again," and immediately left the room. These words pierced my heart, and I burst into tears, and froin that time resolved not to abuse a poor black. in future.-Southey.


In 1683, Penn and his associates ordained the following regulations, which bear the impress of the proprietor's singular genius, and benevolent disposition, and shows that he was two hundred years in advance of the age.


It was ordained, that, to prevent law-suits, three arbitrators, to be called peace-makers, should be chosen by the county courts, to hear and determine small differences between man and man. That children should be taught some useful trade, to the end that none might be idle; that the poor might work to live, and the rich if they should become poor. factors, wronging their employers, should make satisfaction and one third over. That every thing which excites the people to rudeness, cruelty, and irreligion, should be discouraged and severely punished. That no one, acknowledging one God, and living peaceably in society, should be molested for his opinions or his practice, or compelled to frequent or maintain any ministry whatever. Says Hob, in his history of Pennsylvania; "These judicious regulations attracted numerous emigrants; and to their salutary influence must be attributed the qualities of diligence, order, and economy for which the Pennsylvanians are so justly celebrated Within four years from the date of the grant to Penn, the prov

ince contained twenty settlements, and Philadelphia two thousand inhabitants."


She applied for leave to the governor to visit the female prisoners. He attempted to dissuade her. You will be disgusted with their behaviour and language," said he; “I am almost afraid myself to enter their apartment, they are so vile."

"I am fully aware of the danger," meekly replied Mrs. F.-"I do not go in my own strength; God will protect me."

"But, madam, if you are determined on entering this den of iniquity, pray leave your purse and watch behind," said the Governor.

"I thank thee; I am not afraid; I do not think I shall lose anything," she replied.*


She addressed them in the most gentle accents. "You seem unhappy," said she; you are in want of clothes; would you not be pleased if some one came to relieve your misery ?"

Certainly," said one, "we need clothes." "But nobody cares for us, and where can we find a friend?" said another.

* Says Howard, "I never received an insult from either jailor or prisoner, nor lost one article."

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"I am come to serve you, if you will allow me," said Mrs. F. She then went on to express her sympathy for them, and offer them hope that they might improve their condition. She did not say a word about the crimes they had committed, nor reproach them. She came to comfort, and not to condemn. When she was about to depart, the women thronged around her. "You are leaving us," said they, "and will you never come again ?"

"Yes, I will come again, if ye desire it." she replied.

"We do, we do!" was echoed round the aparment.

She read to them the Bible; the parables, &c. Some asked who Christ was. Others said he did not come for them; others, it was too late for them. She passed the whole day with them, softening by her words of peace, the most turbulent and perverse tempers.

The reform was most astonishing; and, thanks to her perseverance and the years she has devoted to this pious undertaking, a total change had been effected in the female department of this prison. The influence of virtue has prevailed, and many wretched beings have found Newgate an asylum of repent



During a civil war in the reign of Henry VI. of England, "Margaret," the Queen, "with her son fled into a forest, where she was descried by a band of robbers, who stripped her of her jewels and treated her person with great indignity.

Fortunately she escaped, while her plunderers were quarrelling about their booty; and penetrating into the forest, she wandered about till she was exhausted with fatigue and terror. At length, seeing a man approach with a drawn sword, she summoned resolution enough to go out to meet him, saying, 'Here, friend, I commit to you the son of your King, for that protection which I am unable to afford him.' The man, though a robber, was disarmed of every ill intention by the confidence which was reposed in him, and devoted himself to their service. After concealing them for some time in the woods, and providing for their support, he conducted them in safety to the sea-coast, whence they took an opportunity of escaping to Flanders."—Cyclopedia, Art. Margaret of Anjou.


Says O'Connell; "Remember, no political change is worth a single crime: or, above all, a

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