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Medicina vniuerfalis


A generall Practise of Phyficke:

Wherein are conteined all inward and outward parts of the body,
with all the accidents and infirmitics that are incident vnto them,
euen from the crowne of the head to the fole of the foote;
Alfo by what meanes (vvith the help of God) they may be remedied:
very meete and profitable, not only for all Phifitions,
Chirurgions, Apothecaries, and Midwiues,

but for all other cftates whatfoeuer.

The like whereof as yet in english
hath not beenc


Compiled and written by the most famous and learned
Doctour Christopher Wirtzung, in the Germane
tongue, and now Tranflated into English, in diuers
places corrected, and with many ad-
dition illuftrated and

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WZ 290

W745p 1598a pt.1

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S the true fcope of all actions and indeuors ought chiefely to tend to the glory of God, and to the good and common vtilitie of many: fo are thefe men worthy of great prayfe and commendation; who not regarding their priuate gaine or glory, haue laboured their wits, and spent their ftudies, in compofing, tranflating, and publishing in our vulgar tongue either their owne works, or fuch learned writings of others, as they thinke moft neceffary for the publique weale, imitating therein the most famous Authors of auncient and moderne age: namely fuch as Hippocrates, Galen, Auicen, Paracelfus, and others, that haue in their natiue toongs opened and reucaled to pofteritie the very depths and fecrets of that excellent arte of Phyfick:which as it is more auncient, more neceffary, more profitable, and more pleasant, then any other arte or knowledge whatfoeuer (except the knowledge of true felicitie :) fo it may boldly be faid (though not without apprehenfion of griefe) no arte more falfified nor more abused in these dayes, as well by the prefumptuous intermedling of audacious and vnskilfull perfons; as for lack of good and wholesome writings in english for the inftruction and fafe direction of all those that haue not alwayes a good and learned Phyfition at hand. Therefore (gentle Reader) that you may the better auoyde thefe and fuch like mif chieuous inconueniences, heere is prefented to your view the learned worke of that worthy Phyfition Chriftopher Wirtzung, first written and publifhed by himfelfe in the high Dutch or Germaine language, wherein it hath beene more often printed there, then any other Worke of like nature: Afterwardes tranflated


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into the low Dutch or Flemish tongue, by Carolus Bat-
tus Doctor in Phyficke, whofe iudgement and experi-
ence,the City of Dort in Holland doth willingly acknow-
ledge and now likewife englished for the publike be-
nefit of our countrey, by Iames Mofe Doctor in Phificke.
What paines and labour hath beene taken in the tran--
flating, it is referred to your owne fauourable cenfure,
after you fhall haue perused and made tryall of it. Only
this for the prefent may with your good fauour be boldly
added out of the teftimonies of men learned and skilfull
in this facultie, that there is not published in our english
tongue the like worke, wherein the whole body of Phy-
fick is fo fuccinctly, fo abfolutely, or fo artificially dige-
fted and compiled. For whether you confider the matter
therein deliuered, or the manner of the deliuery it felfe,
which as it is altogether profitable, fo is it easie and me-
thodicall, defcending from the head to the foote, fhewing
all manner of diseases incident to each part of our body,
and setting downe first the causes from whence they
fpring, fecondly the fignes and tokens whereby they are
knowne, and thirdly, the remedies and helps whereby
they may be cured and eased. There is no doubt but
when you
haue indifferently perufed and heedfully no-
ted the fame, you will not only concurre in iudgement
with others, but also accept in all kindnes the worke it
felfe, and make such fauourable conftruction of the good
indeuors of those that haue laboured for your preferua-
tion, as your felfe would looke to be rewarded withall in
the like.


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