Moral Conduct and Authority: The Place of Adab in South Asian IslamBarbara Daly Metcalf "The essays in this volume explore adab, the Muslim ideal of the harmonious life of a person who knows the proper relationship to God, to others, and to oneself, and who, as a result, plays a special role among his or her fellows."--Jacket. |
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Parallels and Contrasts | 23 |
The Classical Muslim | 38 |
Anṣārīs Code | 62 |
An Ethical Treatise | 91 |
The Muslim Understanding of Values | 124 |
The Ulama of Farangi Mahall and Their Adab | 152 |
Maulānā | 184 |
Popular | 196 |
A Note on Adab in the MurshidMurīd Relationship | 241 |
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Moral Conduct and Authority: The Place of Adab in South Asian Islam Barbara Daly Metcalf No preview available - 2022 |
Common terms and phrases
Abd al-Bārī Abd ar-Razzaq Abū actions ad-Din adab al-Ghazzālī al-Matāna Ālamgīrī Allāh Amir Anṣārī Arabic Aurangzeb Bābā Farīd Barani behavior Bhimsen British century Chishti clans concept court culture Dalpat Deccan Dehli Sultanate Delhi deoband dīwān emperor ethical Farangi Maḥall Fatāwā fatwa fiqh ḥadīth heart Hindu holy human Ibid Ibn Khaldun ideal imperial Inaya India Islamic law Khan khānazād Khwaja Kitāb knowledge Lahore learned litho living Lucknow madrasa Maḥallīs malangs manṣabdārs manuscript Maulānā Miyān moral authority mufti Mughal Muḥammad murīds musicians Muslim mystical Nadhir Aḥmad nafs nobles one's Pakpattan paradise Persian person pīr political practice Prophet Punjab Qur'an relationship religious ritual role rūḥ saint sajjāda nishīn Sayyid Shāh Shaikh shari'a shrine social soul sources South Asia spiritual ṣūfī sufism symbol Taunsa tion tradition trans Tuḥfa i naṣā'iḥ ulama Urdu women worldly Yūsuf Yusuf Gadā