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The U.S. and Mexico: The Bear and the Porcupine

Jeffrey Davidow - 2004 - 0 páginas
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The U.S. and Mexico: The Bear and the Porcupine

Jeffrey Davidow - 2004 - 280 páginas
A memoir by the U.S. ambassador to Mexico from 1998 to 2002 presents vignettes of the political players in Mexico City, the leading U.S. politicians and diplomats, and the ...
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The U.S. and Mexico: The Bear and the Porcupine

Jeffrey Davidow - 2004 - 280 páginas
A memoir by the U.S. ambassador to Mexico from 1998 to 2002 presents vignettes of the political players in Mexico City, the leading U.S. politicians and diplomats, and the ...
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