| James Montgomery - Literature - 1833 - 368 pages
...and long, that in the ground The bended twigs take root, and daughters grow About the mother-tree — a pillar'd shade, High over-arch'd, and echoing walks...herds, At loop-holes cut through thickest shade." Could the minds that conceived and the hands that wrought this prodigy of art have been those of men... | |
 | John Milton - 1833 - 440 pages
...that in the ground The bended twigs take root, and daughters grow About the mother tree, a pillar's shade High over-arch'd, and echoing walks between...pasturing herds At loop-holes cut through thickest shade. Those leaves They gather'd, broad as Amazonian targe; And, with what skill they had, together sew'd,... | |
 | James Montgomery - Literature - 1833 - 348 pages
...that in the ground The bended twigs take root, and daughters grow About the mother-tree — a piilar'd shade, High over-arch'd, and echoing walks between...herds, At loop-holes cut through thickest shade." Could the minds that conceived and the hands that wrought this prodigy of art have been those of men... | |
 | Hugh Murray - India - 1833 - 398 pages
...ground The bended twigs take root, and daughters grow About the mother-tree, a pillar'd shade, Hiph overarch'd, and echoing walks between : There oft...pasturing herds At loopholes cut through thickest shade : those leaves They gather'd, broad as Amazonian targe." BF.TULlNE.iE. The northern parts of Hindostan... | |
 | Mrs. S. C. Hall - Children's literature, English - 1833 - 260 pages
...twigs take root ; and daughters grow About the mother-tree ; a pillared shade, High over-arched, with echoing walks between. There oft the Indian herdsman,...pasturing herds At loopholes cut through thickest shade.' * My young friends will, I am sure, permit me to make allusion to a little volume recently published... | |
 | James Forbes - India - 1834 - 586 pages
...spreads her arras, Branching so broad and long, that in the ground The bended twigs take root, and daughters grow About the mother tree ; a pillar'd...herds, At loop-holes cut through thickest shade." The areca, or betel-nut tree, (the areca catechu, Linn.) is one of the most beautiful of the palmyra... | |
 | John Milton - 1834 - 432 pages
...long, that in the ground The bended twigs take root, and daughters grow 1105 About the mother-tree , a pillar'd shade High over-arch'd, and echoing walks...pasturing herds At loop-holes cut through thickest shade: those leaves 11 10 They gather'd, broad as Amazonian targe; And, with what skill they had, together... | |
 | William Gilpin - Forests and forestry - 1834 - 436 pages
...twigs take root ; and daughters grow About the mother tree, a pillar'd shade, High overarch'd, with echoing walks between. There oft the Indian herdsman,...pasturing herds At loop-holes cut through thickest shade. Modern travellers speak of an Indian tree like this, (the only tree of the kind they know,) which they... | |
 | William Beckford - Italy - 1834 - 668 pages
...Decan, spreads her arms, Branching so broad and long, that in the ground The bended twigs take root, and daughters grow About the mother tree : a pillar'd...shade High over-arch'd, and echoing walks between." Was it not from hence that Warburlon framed his hypothesis on the origin of Gothic architecture ? At... | |
 | William Beckford - 1834 - 418 pages
...Decan, spreads her arms, Branching so broad and long, that in the ground The bended twigs take root, and daughters grow About the mother tree : a pillar'd...shade High over.arch'd, and echoing walks between." Was it not from hence that Warburton framed his hypothesis on the origin of Gothic architecture? At... | |
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