... so much to cover them ; their food commonly consists of dry potatoes, and with these they are at times so scantily supplied, as to be obliged to stint themselves to one spare meal in the day. There are even instances of persons being driven by hunger... The Dublin Magazine - Page 2581842Full view - About this book
 | John Frederick Smith - Great Britain - 1863 - 648 pages
...themselves to one spare meal in the day. There are even instances of persons being driven by Lunger to seek sustenance in wild herbs. They sometimes get...herring or a little milk, but they never get meat except a: Christmas, Easter, and Shrovetide. Some go in search of employment to Great Britain during the harvest,... | |
 | Joseph Fisher - Ireland - 1863 - 250 pages
...stint themselves to one spare meal in the day. There are even instances of persons being driven by hunger to seek sustenance in wild herbs. They sometimes get a herring, a little milk, but they never get meat, except at Christmas, Shrovetide, or Easter." One of the earliest... | |
 | English literature - 1864 - 632 pages
...times so scantily supplied as to be obliged to stint themselves to one spare meal in the day. . . . They sometimes get a herring or a little milk, but...meat except at Christmas, Easter, and Shrovetide.' This was the description given of the great majority of the Irish people in 1834 by the commissioners... | |
 | 1864 - 670 pages
...times so scantily supplied as to be obliged to stint themselves to one spare meal in the day . . . They sometimes get a herring or a little milk, but...meat except at Christmas, Easter, and Shrovetide.' This was the description given of the great majority of the Irish people in 1834 by the commissioners... | |
 | Cassell, ltd - 1865 - 648 pages
...are even instances of persons being driven by hanger to seek sustenance in wild herbs. They sometime! get a herring or a little milk, but they never get meat except ax Christmas, Easter, and Shrovetide. Some go in search of employment to Great Britain during the harvest,... | |
 | Frederick Temple Blackwood Marquis of Dufferin and Ava - Ireland - 1867 - 442 pages
...at times so scantily supplied as so be obliged to stint themselves to one spare meal in the day. . . They sometimes get a herring or a little milk, but...meat except at Christmas, Easter, and Shrovetide."— (P. 3.) That the condition of the labouring classes in Ireland had not improved up to the famine, is... | |
 | William Lucas Sargant - Economics - 1872 - 346 pages
...stint themselves to one spare meal in the day. There are even instances of persons being driven by hunger to seek sustenance in wild herbs. They sometimes...others wander through Ireland with the same view. The wives and children of many are occasionally obliged to beg, but they do so reluctantly and with... | |
 | Joseph Fisher (F.R.H.S.) - Land tenure - 1877 - 176 pages
...stint themselves to one spare meal in the day. There are even instances of persons being driven by hunger to seek sustenance in wild herbs. They sometimes...except at Christmas, Easter, and Shrovetide. Some go to Great Britain in search of employment ; others wander through Ireland with the same view. The wives... | |
 | William J. O'Neill Daunt - Ireland - 1888 - 338 pages
...stint themselves to one spare meal in the day. There are even instances of persons being driven by hunger to seek sustenance in wild herbs. They sometimes...meat, except at Christmas, Easter, and Shrovetide." This description of a large portion of the agricultural population supplies a significant commentary... | |
 | Nineteenth century - 1890 - 1148 pages
...stint themselves to one spare meal in the day. There are even instances of persons being driven by hunger to seek sustenance in wild herbs. They sometimes...meat, except at Christmas, Easter, and Shrovetide. The position of affairs as regards the labouring class was simply deplorable. There were no manufactures... | |
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