Front cover image for The barrier and the javelin : Japanese and Allied Pacific strategies, February to June 1942

The barrier and the javelin : Japanese and Allied Pacific strategies, February to June 1942

H. P. Willmott (Author)
The second part of H. P. Willmott’s classic three-volume history of the war in the Pacific, this work tells how Japan arrived at a situation in which war with the United States was the only means of ensuring long-term security and resolving her immediate problems of access to raw materials and of an unwinnable war in China.
Print Book, English, ©1983
Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, Md., ©1983
Government publications United States
xvii, 596 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm
9780870210921, 9781591149491, 0870210920, 1591149495
Pt. I: The Japanese situation
The barrier or . .
. . . The javelin
Moryalmi: the schlieffen plan of the Pacific war
Pt. II: The allied situation
The allies and the SouthWest Pacific
Operation magic and the allied deployment for the battle of the Coral Sea
Pt. III: The battle of the Coral Sea
The preliminaries to battle
The carrier contacts
The reckoning and the withdrawals
Pt. IV: The battle of Midway
Operation magic and the American deployment for the battle of Midway
Approach to contact
Mortal wounds
Three against one
Dusk and dust
The final exchanges
Pt. V: Final perspectives
Final perspectives
Second vol. of a trilogy that began with Empires in the balance
Includes indexes