Esther's Reviews > Matilda

Matilda by Roald Dahl
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it was amazing

Oh the nostalgia!
I remember reading this book when I was about ten. I remember thinking that Matilda was awesome (mostly because she was a bookwurm and I could relate to her on that point, though I was far from reading Dickens and Hemingway at that point) and that her parents were annoying. (I also remember my frantic attempts at moving a salt shaker with my eyes for about a week, I am sad to report that all of these were unsuccessful.)
As an adult rereading this, it's still an amazing book with memorable characters and events. You realise more clearly that Dahl wished to stress the importance of (good) education, both at school and at home. In addition, this novel contains a class example of how NOT to be a parent (or a Head Teacher for that matter). Seriously, this book is still a good read (even if mainly for nostalgic reasons).

P.S.: the only character that went beyond me in this book is Matilda's brother. How unimportant can a member of the nuclear family be for heaven's sake? We know nothing about him or about his relationship with Matilda, he might as well have not existed at all.

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Reading Progress

July 18, 2016 – Started Reading
July 18, 2016 – Shelved
July 18, 2016 –
page 114
July 19, 2016 – Finished Reading

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