Dick's Reviews > Thinking, Fast and Slow

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
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's review

it was amazing

First I agree with others that a paper copy of this book makes more sense than an audio book.
Just as Susan Cain's book "Quiet" made me understand that being an introvert is not bad, Daniel Kahneman made me realize that slow thinking is also not bad. But either attribute will not be easily acceptable to most other people. Kahneman's main theme of fast thinking "what you see is all there is" parallels two famous quotes that I believe in:
Mark Twain: "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
H. L. Mencken: "For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.
Kahneman's presentation of his work in understanding how we think was done with extensive detail along with numerical statistics (not easy follow on an audiobook but well done if we stop the audio and supplement with paper and pencil). What he tells us applies as much to the reader as it does to others. I think anyone willing to do minimal slow thinking can gain a better understanding of how we think from this book.
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Dick Thank you.

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