Josh Davis's Reviews > Thinking, Fast and Slow

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
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did not like it
bookshelves: kindle-ebook

What a painful read. I was absolutely intrigued by the premise and was amazed at the love it has received. I fully expected to like/enjoy this book. I'm a big fan of Statistics so I really wanted to see how humans handle statistics naturally.

But I didn't. I felt that this review summarized it the best:

Every page reminded me why I hate Psychology as a field; it is just a soft science that needs to be trumped by an actual "hard" science like Neuroscience.

It was frustrating how Kahneman would present a study in which two other Psychologists would ask two questions to 100 participants and then offer a complete analysis of how this was a profound illustration in the faults in human thinking. As if the faults that he was describing or possibly even ones that haven't been discovered yet don't have a single affect on his thinking.

I'll end with what John said in the previously linked to review: "Thank God this ordeal is over."
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Reading Progress

November 2, 2011 – Shelved
April 14, 2014 – Started Reading
April 14, 2014 – Shelved as: kindle-ebook
May 23, 2014 – Finished Reading

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Curtis I'm reading Algorithms to Live By now, and the review to which you link seems (in paragraph 1) to be pretty resonant with it. Maybe you'll like it more.

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