Moayad Taibah's Reviews > Thinking, Fast and Slow

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
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This was a SLOOOOOOOW read, the slowest I've ever had and I'm not sure I got my time's worth out of it.

Thinking Fast and Slow is a book on psychological biases that govern some of our decisions in life whether they work in our favor or not. The author starts by describing the two types of thinking we have the quick, shoot first ask questions later mind and the slow, lazy, I'll only work when I really have to mind. The thing is there are a lot of biases that short circuit our minds into coming up with quick solutions and they make us trust those solutions even when they're not really trustworthy.

I liked most of the topics covered in this book until it reached the later part where the author delved into micro economics and the prospect theory where it was agonizing for me to grasp the full idea that the author wanted to deliver. I'm not sure whether this was due to the complexity of the topic, but I'm pretty sure the author didn't make it any easier with his way of delivering a concept. A lot of the times I felt the author could've explained something in a much more digestible chunk than he actually did.

The narrator didn't have anything special going on, pretty much your standard monotoned scientific speaker that makes you drift away with your thoughts from time to time.

I'm pretty sure that I'l have another crack at this book sometime in the future with the richness and quite interesting take on how we think. When it comes to recommendations, I would definitely recommend it to anyone interested in cognitive psychology and/or someone who would like to learn, and perhaps gain control, over the internal factors that can govern our decision making process in our personal and professional lives.
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Reading Progress

August 17, 2013 – Shelved as: to-read
August 17, 2013 – Shelved
February 18, 2016 – Started Reading
February 28, 2016 –
page 0
0.0% "Listening to the audiobook so not sure of my progress. So far I like the material and the categorization of the systems and their biases however the way it is presented, particularly the wording, leaves much to be desired. I think it could've been simplified further for the "water cooler gossip" the author is so very keen on."
April 1, 2016 – Finished Reading
April 5, 2016 – Shelved as: reference

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Yousef Shanti Mabrook! What's your next book adventure?

Moayad Taibah Yousef wrote: "Mabrook! What's your next book adventure?"

Casual reads for now, need to recover some brain power for another one of these :P

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