Gene Babon's Reviews > Thinking, Fast and Slow

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
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Thinking, Fast and Slow is a tour de force exploration of how the brain works on two dimensions (or systems). The first dimension, System 1, is intuitive and fast thinking. It operates automatically and quickly. System 1 is impulsive. The second dimension, System 2, is effortful and slower thinking. It requires concentration and tires easily. System 2 is capable of reasoning.

From this vantage point Nobel Prize-winning author, Daniel Kahneman, takes a deep dive into how humans think—and don't. Much empirical evidence is explored. Along the way, constructs are presented including the following: executive control, flow, ego depletion, associative activation, priming effect, cognitive strain, confirmation bias, halo effect, judgement heuristic and mental shotgun; and that is just in the first 100 pages!

Therein, lies that challenge with this book; it is NOT a light read. It requires System 2 concentration. One of the beneficial features of this book is that every chapter ends with a "Speaking of ..." section that summarizes the key topics from that chapter in the form a sentence or two spoken by a human to explain a concept in a real world context.

Despite the wealth of information, I completed the book realizing that I had much evidence to work with, but precious few ideas on how to take advantage of using System 1 and System 2 to live a better life. One statement did catch my attention, however:
"... one recipe for a dissatisfied adulthood is setting goals that are especially difficult to attain."
If you are looking for a challenging academic read, Thinking, Fast and Slow should fit the bill. However, if you are looking to operationalize these findings, you might want to turn to someone like Tony Robbins.

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Reading Progress

October 7, 2013 – Shelved as: to-read
October 7, 2013 – Shelved
Started Reading
March, 2015 – Finished Reading
December 14, 2015 – Shelved as: strategy

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